Anna, Emily, Johnny & Susan, Wakefield, 13 June 2012

Friday, 6 July 2012

minding the gaps

Thanks Emily for the detailed post and thoughtfulness. 

In Explorations in participation I did interviews for each project from 3 perspectives as you suggest; artist, participant, organisation.  You are right it is difficult to present the conflicts and failings but I did find less difference in response than I expected.  What I struggled with was what to do with the amount of information I collected.

I definitely work in the gaps and with small groups.  I’m finding my projects getting smaller in scale possibly even 1:1 collaborations with artists.  So definitely the 1:1000 but would also like to find ways to represent these experiences and works to 1000 people for one minute.

I don’t know how you measure the value in this and I don’t think there’s one to time to do this.  Often the learning in creative activity is in realising what has been done and the value might be in what it enables to happen next.  So I’m thinking I should follow participants, artists and works we leave for a longer period.  Perhaps returning periodically to reinvigorate our learning and follow their progress.

I've also been looking again at the work of Glasgow Womens Library a really interesting place.  Rather than setting up a project than representing experiences a lot of their work starts from sharing stories, representing experiences, such as their personal history walks.  Its always good to meet projects that approach subjects the other way round, to help us turn our thinking around.

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