Anna, Emily, Johnny & Susan, Wakefield, 13 June 2012

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Update from Peckham

I thought I would check in with a post and let you guys know what we have been up to at Peckham Sapce. There is this Review of TRIBE by Sarah Cole whcih opened a few weeks ago. I am also starting proceedings to establish Peckham Space as a charity independent from University of the Arts. I have to do this by the end of July and find funds to cover salaries x 2 that have been cut by UAL. It is really exciting but also a daunting amount of work... I have been thinking a lot about our retreat to Derbyshire and draw a lot of strenght from it, especially around the topic of developing trust in the commissioning process. I have the transcription that I have been meaning to work on since then but just not had the incentive with all this other stuff going on. More soon. . .

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